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PRIVACY POLICY AXIS DANZA SSD ARLPURSUANT TO REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA ("G.D.P.R.") AND REQUEST FOR CONSENT TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATAPREMISEDear Customer, in compliance with the obligations imposed by Regulation (EU) 679/2016(General Data Protection Regulation - so-called "GDPR") AXSIS DANZA SSD ARL (henceforth, the "Company"), intends to inform you about how your personal data is processed, even of a special nature, requesting Your consent if this proves necessary and make you aware of your rights as well as the modalities for being able to exercise them easily.DATA CONTROLLER AND CONTACT DATAThe data controller is the company in person of the legal representative, Comello Federica with registered office in Viale Venezia 34/2 33100 Udine,E-Mail: privacy@axisdanza.itSOURCES OF COLLECTION OF PERSONAL DATAThe Company collects personal data concerning you directly from you, whether in your own sales offices or outside (for example, at events or fairs: in this case, consent must be given before the data is communicated) and also through distance communication techniques (for example through their websites, for which reference should be made to the specific information published therein, the sites and platforms of third parties, etc.). You can provide us with your personal data when requesting information, quotes, at the time of signing contracts or during their course and at the time of accession / provision of services and / or services, however qualified or named.METHOD OF TREATMENTYour personal data are processed either manually, in paper format, or through toolselectronic, IT, telematic and / or automated, with logic strictly related to the purposes indicated.Your personal data are included in our management and in a Customer Relationship Management system ("C.R.M."), where you enter your personal and contact details. In the presence of specific consent, the data included in the C.R.M. may also be processed for the further purposes specified below.In any case, your personal data are protected by appropriate technical and organizational measures, so as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the same, in compliance with current regulations. The Company has implemented specific security measures to prevent the loss or destruction of data, unauthorized access, processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the purposes for which it was collected.PURPOSES OF THE TREATMENT AND LEGAL BASESThe Company processes personal data for multiple purposes, some of which require your ownspecific and optional consent. To facilitate your understanding and ensure greater clarity, we thought it appropriate to distinguish explicitly the individual purposes, as follows:PURPOSE OF OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT (PRIMARY PURPOSES): with this term we mean the carrying out of all those activities strictly functional to satisfy your requests, both in the pre-contractual phase and to execute a specific contract of which you are a part, as well as for all related or instrumental activities, functionally linked to the Company's operations or to the protection of its rights. These aims include all the activities necessary to provide you with the information, assistance, services, services required or of your interest,subject to your consent, your data are processed for marketing purposes, ie for sending advertising material, commercial and promotional communication, this may be done through traditional methods of contact, such as sending paper mail and phone calls with the operator, either through automated contact methods and, therefore, through the use of automated call systems, or via e-mail, also of a periodic nature (Newsletter), fax, MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) or SMS messages (Short Message Service), instant messaging systems, chats, social or platforms and other computer tools / channels.

REVOCATION OF CONSENTIf You have given consent to authorize a specific treatment,We inform you that you can cancel it at any time by contacting the Data Controller in the manner indicated in the following paragraph "Rights of the Interested Party". This revocation, in any case, does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given prior to the revocation.DATA CONFERENCEThe conferment of your personal data is always remitted to your free will.However, the provision of personal data for the Primary Purposes, if necessary also forparticular nature, it is necessary and essential to allow the Company to fulfill your requests. Failure to provide personal data may, therefore, determine the impossibility for the Company to initiate pre-contractual negotiations / relationships, to establish contractual relationships, to manage the post-contractual phase and / or, in any case, to provide services or required performances.The conferment of your personal data is, however, absolutely free and optional for the purpose of marketing. Any failure to provide your personal data for one or more of the aforementioned purposes will have no consequences for you, unless the impossibility for the Company to carry out the above described.KNOWLEDGE OF DATA AND THEIR COMMUNICATIONYour personal data, where processed in electronic format, can be accessed from any branch / officeof society.Your personal data are processed by subjects specifically authorized or designated byOwner within his structure (employees and collaborators, however named), due to the performance of the duties and tasks assigned to each.Your personal data may also be processed by other third parties operating on behalf of the Company by virtue of specific contractual obligations or, in any case, duly authorized orappointed as data controllers. By way of example, where necessary, your personal data may be processed by: IT, telematic and technological service providers, including hosting and maintenance services; quality control and / or quality control bodies or related activities; auditor; supervisory bodies; subjects that deal with printing, transmission, enveloping, transport and sorting of communications; subjects that deal with archiving and document preservation;For the pursuit of the Primary Purposes, your personal data may be communicated to the following categories of recipients: CSEN ITALIA and related companies; banks and credit institutions; debt collection companies; credit insurance company; insurance companies.We inform you that your personal data will still be communicated to third parties, public and private, to fulfill legal obligations, to comply with orders from public authorities or to exercise a right in court or in any other place.Your personal data are not disclosed and are not subject to disclosure.TRANSFER OF DATA ABROADThe Company mainly deals with its data within its own offices or, in any case, within the U.E ..By virtue of the IT applications used, the Company may also be transferred outside the U.E. your personal data. In any case, the transfer is carried out in full compliance with the conditions imposed by the G.D.P.R. (Article 44 and following).PARTICULAR CATEGORIES OF DATA AND TREATMENTSIn pursuing the Primary Purposes, the Company may become aware of your datapersonal qualified as particular, or both those data that "reveal the racial or ethnic origin, as well as processing genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a physical person, data related to health". In fact, some particular data could be contained in the tax return / C.U.D, model 730 or other documents provided.Such data may be disclosed to third parties only if it is strictly necessary.For the processing of particular data, your explicit consent is required, pursuant to art. 9of the G.D.P.R .. In default, the Company would not be able to fulfill Your requests, as better specified in the previous paragraph 7.2.We inform you that for purposes of security and protection of company assets, the Company processes personal data (images) through the creation of photographic and video services and also through video surveillance systems: the information regarding these types of treatment is available at the rooms where the systems are installed.

OPPOSITION RIGHTIn accordance with the requirements of art. 21, paragraph 4 of the DP.P., the Company brings to your attention your right of opposition. In particular, you will be entitled to:please, at any time, for reasons connected with your particular situation, process your personal data in accordance with Article 6 (1) (e) of) of the GDPR, in which case the Company will refrain from further processing personal data except for the existence of binding legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the interested party or for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in court;oppose at any time the processing of personal data concerning you for direct marketing purposes, including profiling in so far as it is connected to such direct marketing. In this case, personal data are no longer processed for these purposes.You can also contact the Company at any time to exercise your right to object. In order to better manage your requests, we invite you to write to us by registered mail or by sending an email to the following address: MAIL privacy@axisdanza.itRIGHT TO PROPOSE COMPLAINTSFurthermore, if you believe that the data processing carried out by the Company is illegitimate,you can file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.CHANGES AND UPDATESAs the regulatory framework is constantly evolving, we will inform you of any changes or updates to this information through the same channels used to contact you. We trust that you will appreciate our commitment to transparency and our willingness to make you fully aware of what we do with your personal data.

ottenere la rettifica dei dati personali inesatti che Ti riguardano senza ingiustificato ritardo. Tenuto conto delle finalità del trattamento, Tu hai il diritto di ottenere l'integrazione dei dati personali incompleti, anche fornendo una dichiarazione integrativa;
ottenere la cancellazione dei dati personali che Ti riguardano senza ingiustificato ritardo;
ottenere la limitazione del trattamento quando ricorra una delle ipotesi previste dall'art. 18 del G.D.P.R.;

portabilità dei dati, ovvero sia ricevere in un formato strutturato, di uso comune e leggibile da dispositivo automatico i dati personali che Ti riguardano forniti alla scrivente Società;
non essere sottoposto a una decisione basata unicamente sul trattamento automatizzato, che produca effetti giuridici che la riguardano o che incida in modo analogo significativamente sulla sua persona. Questo diritto non si applica nei casi disciplinati dall'art. 22, paragrafo 2 del G.D.P.R..

Per esercitare i diritti sopra indicati, potrai contattare in ogni momento la Società. Per poter più correttamente gestire le Tue richieste, Ti invitiamo a scriverci tramite posta raccomandata o inviando una mail al seguente indirizzo: .

La richiesta di disattivazione e cancellazione dell'iscrizione al Servizio di Newsletter potrà essere effettuate dall'Interessato in qualsiasi momento, cliccando il link in fondo al testo ("Cancellami").


Conformemente a quanto richiesto dall'art. 21, paragrafo 4 del G.D.P.R., la Società porta alla Tua attenzione il Tuo diritto di opposizione. In particolare, Tu avrai diritto di:

opporti in qualsiasi momento, per motivi connessi alla sua situazione particolare, al trattamento dei dati personali che Ti riguardano ai sensi dell'articolo 6, paragrafo 1, lettere e) o f) del G.D.P.R.. In questo caso la Società si asterrà dal trattare ulteriormente i dati personali salvo l'esistenza di motivi legittimi cogenti per procedere al trattamento che prevalgono sugli interessi, sui diritti e sulle libertà dell'interessato oppure per l'accertamento, l'esercizio o la difesa di un diritto in sede giudiziaria;
opporti in qualsiasi momento al trattamento dei dati personali che Ti riguardano effettuato per finalità di marketing diretto, compresa la profilazione nella misura in cui sia connessa a tale marketing diretto. In questo caso, i dati personali non sono più oggetto di trattamento per tali finalità.
Anche per esercitare il tuo diritto di opposizione potrai contattare in ogni momento la Società. Per poter più correttamente gestire le Tue richieste, Ti invitiamo a scriverci tramite posta raccomandata o inviando una mail al seguente indirizzo: MAIL
Qualora, inoltre, Tu ritenga che il trattamento dei dati operato dalla Società sia illegittimo,

potrai presentare reclamo alla competente Autorità di controllo.


Essendo il quadro normativo in costante evoluzione, sarà nostra cura comunicarTi eventuali modifiche o aggiornamenti della presente informativa attraverso gli stessi canali utilizzati per contattarTi. Confidiamo nel fatto che apprezzerai il nostro impegno alla trasparenza e la nostra volontà di renderTi pienamente consapevole di quanto effettuiamo con i Tuoi dati personali.


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